Frontal Lobe
- Behavior
- Abstract thought processes
- Problem solving
- Attention
- Creative thought
- Some emotion
- Intellect
- Reflection
- Judgment
- Initiative
- Inhibition
- Coordination of movements
- Generalized and mass movements
- Some eye movements
- Sense of smell
- Muscle movements
- Skilled movements
- Some motor skills
- Physical reaction
- Libido (sexual urges)
- Vision
- Reading
- Sense of touch (tactile senstation)
- Appreciation of form through touch (stereognosis)
- Response to internal stimuli (proprioception)
- Sensory combination and comprehension
- Some language and reading functions
- Some visual functions
- Auditory memories
- Some hearing
- Visual memories
- Some vision pathways
- Other memory
- Music
- Fear
- Some language
- Some speech
- Some behavior amd emotions
- Sense of identity
- The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body
- Temporal and spatial relationships
- Analyzing nonverbal information
- Communicating emotion
- Communication between the left and right side of the brain
- Balance
- Posture
- Cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor centers
- Motor and sensory pathway to body and face
- Vital centers: cardiac, respiratory, vasomotor
- Moods and motivation
- Sexual maturation
- Temperature regulation
- Hormonal body processes
- Vision and the optic nerve
- Hormonal body processes
- Physical maturation
- Growth (height and form)
- Sexual maturation
- Sexual functioning
- Conduit and source of sensation and movement
- Unknown
- Contains the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord
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